My right brain and my left brain are at war. Ms. Right Brain loves to create things, to paint and draw and get crazy. Ms. Left Brain totally supports that, but wants to Make a Plan, and have a Purpose and a Time Limit. Since Ms. Left Brain has all the verbal gifts of the pair, she can go off for a while on those things. And she carries a clipboard and likes to check everything off. It's probably inevitable, but most of the time Ms. Right Brain just gets bored and leaves. And then what?
Note to self: have Ms. Left Brain make a list and go buy art supplies. And then invite her to take a nap.
This was a wonderful, delightful, insightful pondering of truth! I often find myself deluged with such similar mental balancing acts...unfortunately, I don't have one clipboard sitting in my cabinet but several...and they are color-coded!!! :) I would love to chat with you on a less public forum, my old friend! If you happen to wander into your email and send me a little not at I was SO love that!! Take and thanks for sharing your creative prose! I love it. D