So, we've had a lot of blizzardish type weather, and with it has come a realization of several advantages to our living situation (only four weeks left, by the way! Hurray!)
1. We have a backup generator, which kicks in if the power goes out--so while 200,000 people lost heat and power, we continued to be cozy and warm and play Rat-a-Tat Cat. We, alas, did not have enough power to watch the Super Bowl. Wait, that's a lie. We lacked the desire to watch or care about the Super Bowl.
2. We have great neighbors, who shoveled out our van in the midst of a blizzard for an ER trip. (Because there's no better time than the middle of the worst snowstorm in 100 years to run a 105 degree temperature).
3. There's not enough room in our fridge for more than one gallon of milk, but we can leave a gallon or two right outside the front door, and the snow insulates it perfectly. It stays the perfect temperature without freezing. (I did have to dig it out under ten inches of snow, though.)
One milestone that we reached this week was that The Boy became our second child to (sorry for the indelicacy) pee standing up (but only the first one to be encouraged to do so.) Exciting times!