Monday, May 2, 2011

Sweet Nothings

My little white-haired hurricane was sitting on my lap, giving me a funny-faced smile. Looking at her, I couldn't help doing a little (bad) ventriloquism. "I'm a little gnome," said I. She looked at me with her big blue eyes, and very sweetly and seriously broke into song (a la Michael McLean), "You're not a gnome." (Sing it. It's much funnier that way!)

Another young lady had an interesting talk with her dad about trees. He was talking about sin or bad habits or something like that and she was . . . not. He compared sin to a seed (like she had just planted in the garden) and how easy it is to pull out the seedlings when they were young. "Imagine you had planted a tree," said my good husband (and this of course, is where the conversation went terribly wrong.) "Wouldn't it be easier to pull it out when it was young and new?"
"Wait--I understand!" said the savant, "We should plant the seed in our hearts and keep it there. Because seeds grow trees and trees are GOOD."
Seeing that they were at cross-purposes, my husband retreated from his analogy and no seeds of any kind were planted at this time.

Kristin's Laws of Order:

1. Bedrooms must be picked up before everyone goes to sleep. If everything is not picked up, someone will get sick during the night and vomit over EVERY LAST THING on the floor.

2. If you assign someone to clean the living room, the only thing that they will be certain to move is the book that you left on the couch. You may never see it again.


  1. LOL!!!! "You're not a gnome"! I'm totally cracking up!!! I miss you guys!

  2. That's funny! Those law of orders are so true...

